
%   MAP    (not drawn to scale)   %    __________                   % 
%  =====                          %   /_#__ DOWN/  Tavern 2nd Floor.%
%                                 %       /    /__________          %
% North                           %      /         Zerker/          %
%   ^        Throne of Bone       %     /          Guild/           %
%   |               |             %    /     __________/            %
% ==+==             |             %   /War. /                       %
%   |         #  #  |  #  #       %  /Guild/                        %
%   |      -------ROYAL-------    % /_____/       Tavern 1st Floor. %
%         #|  #  #  #  #  #  I#   %     ______________              %
%          O                 N    %    /$   Bar    UP/              %
%         #G                 F#   %   /             /               %
%          R                 E    %  /             /                %
%         #O                 R#   % /             /                 %
%          C                 I    %/_____   _____/                  %
%         #|-----GRANITE-----S#   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%                   |                   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%                   |                   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%                   |                   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% TEMPLE  TAVERN    |                   % LEGEND:                   %
%   |       |       |                   % =======                   %
%   |       |     S P N    #     #      % #  --> Private Residence  %
%[----TINGAROL----A W W----FIRIDON----] % P  --> Potions and Pills  %
%                 T F M    #  |  #      % F  --> Food               %
%                   |         |         % W  --> Weapons            %
%                   |                   % A  --> Armor              %
%                   D                   % T  --> Trainer            %
%                   A                   % S  --> Scrolls            %
%                   R---Stables         % N  --> Wands and Staves   %
%                   N                   % M  --> Mercenaries        %
%                   A                   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%                   K                   %  Scribed on the           %
%                   |                   %  Day of the Great Gods,   %
%                   |                   %  19th of the Month of     %
%          [To the Great Chasm]         %  the Old Forces.          %